Julia Krause-Harder’s work is driven by a deep fascination for palaeontology and geography. It is the artist’s aim to revive all 800 known species of dinosaurs. For her very complex three-dimensional artefacts she uses everyday findings such as plastics, metals and wood, but also toys and cassettes, which she assembles into anatomically precise, life-size sculptures. After professional training as a tailor the use of textile fabrics continues to play a decisive role within her artistic pratice. Julia Krause-Harder spent almost three years working on her textile work “La Création du Monde”, which measures more than 250 square meters. Born in 1973 in Kronberg im Taunus, she lives and works in Frankfurt am Main. Since 2017, Julia Krause-Harder has also been a lecturer at the Goldstein Akademy.
In 2012 she was a fellow of the La Fruaga The Forge Artist in Residency Program, Cordoba, Spain
Julia Krause-Harder’s work is driven by a deep fascination for palaeontology and geography. It is the artist’s aim to revive all 800 known species of dinosaurs. For her very complex three-dimensional artefacts she uses everyday findings such as plastics, metals and wood, but also toys and cassettes, which she assembles into anatomically precise, life-size sculptures. After professional training as a tailor the use of textile fabrics continues to play a decisive role within her artistic pratice. Julia Krause-Harder spent almost three years working on her textile work “La Création du Monde”, which measures more than 250 square meters. Born in 1973 in Kronberg im Taunus, she lives and works in Frankfurt am Main. Since 2017, Julia Krause-Harder has also been a lecturer at the Goldstein Akademy.
In 2012 she was a fellow of the La Fruaga The Forge Artist in Residency Program, Cordoba, Spain
Der weltbekannte Planet, Neuer Kunstraum Düsseldorf
Clouds: From Gerhard Richter to the Cloud, Museum Sinclair-Haus
Cartography, Plein Jour Gallery
Atelier Goldstein at Lenbachhaus München,
Über das Funktionieren / How it works, Goldstein Galerie, Frankfurt am Main
The Crip School, In collaboration mit Wit.h, Buda, Kortrijk
Über das Fliehen, Goldstein Galerie, Frankfurt am Main
Création du monde no.2, The sewed world map, Dommusem, Frankfurt
Pocorart World Exhibition, Chance and necessity and ... , 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo
Über das Reisen, Goldstein Galerie, Frankfurt am Main
NO20–39 SummaSummarum, Goldstein Galerie, Frankfurt am Main
Himmelstürmer*innen auf Kurs, Musée Visionnaire, Zürich
NO37 Création du monde no. 1, Goldstein Galerie, Frankfurt am Main
Flying High, Künstlerinnen der Art Brut, Kunstforum Wien
Das Beste aus allen Welten, Atelier Goldstein, Stadthaus Ulm
The Museum of Everything, MONA, Hobart
Fürchtet euch nicht !, Zwei Weihnachtsgeschichten, Dommuseum, Frankfurt am Main
Die Welt Retten, Universitätsgalerie der Angewandten, Wien
Von der Unbegreiflichkeit Gottes, (Die Neugestaltung der Marienkirche Aulhausen), Haus am Dom und Dommuseum, Frankfurt am Main
Kreaturen, Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main
Womöglich, Atelier Goldstein zu Gast bei Borgo Ensemble, Borgo Ensemble, Fürth
Krause-Harder – Vuelo, Cordoba
Gewächse der Seele, Pflanzenfantasien zwischen Symbolismus und Outsider Art, Museum Haus Cajeth, Heidelberg
Private: Goldstein Akademie Lehrtätigkeit und Hochschulstudium
KulturTagJahr der Altana Kultursstiftung Julius Bockelt and Julia Krause-Harder as lecturers
Redesign of Marienkirche Aulhausen through the Atelier Goldstein
Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin – Edition 46
Atelier Goldstein Heft #6 – Julia Krause-Harder
POCORART World Exhibition – Chance and Necessity and…
Goldstein Akademie – Bildungsarbeit im Atelier Goldstein
Goldstein Galerie
Himmelsstürmer*innen auf Kurs
Flying High – Künstlerinnen der Art Brut (Kunstforum Wien)
Living in Art Brut, 123 Works from the Hannah Rieger Collection
Von der Unbegreiflichkeit Gottes (Atelier Goldstein in der Marienkirche Aulhausen)
art, Das Kunstmagazin (April)