Über das Fliehen

Gintersdorfer/Klaßen with Knut Klaßen, Hanna Zeyer and Hauke Heumann, Georg Seeßlen, Julius Bockelt, Joel Thottathil, Julia Krause-Harder and others
Goldstein Galerie, Frankfurt am Main

Über das Fliehen (About fleeing)
February 7-March 31, 2022

The event series Über das Fliehen is dedicated to the visual and intellectual aspects of flight as a creative strategy and artistic tactic. At Goldstein Gallery, the focus will be on alternative realities, points of escape, and the visual dimension of fleeing.
Especially in the pandemic, it is not only artists who develop new strategies to cope with particular challenges. The question of intentional or unconscious fleeing meets the question of orientation: does one flee into something or out of something? Does it propel one forward or does one retreat?
The most immediate association of fleeing as a survival strategy and the misfortunes that are permanently present with it are to be deliberately left aside. Aid and human rights organizations, such as the Frankfurt-based Medico International, do crucial and very concrete work here.
Über das Fliehen is one of twelve themes with which Goldstein Galerie has been addressing the practices, themes, and aspects of artistic work since mid-2020.
Previous themes have been On Collecting, On Traveling, On Connecting, On Playing, and On Writing.



Residency and Presentation
Die Säule geht an der Last vorbei
February 7-18: Residency
February 17, 7 p.m.: Performance
Feb. 23-March 5, Wednesday-Saturday, 12 p.m.-6 p.m.: presentation
Gintersdorfer/Klaßen have been developing projects since 2005 in which they make the performers’ life strategies and forms of expression the center and confront them with their own strategies and aesthetics. The team is German-ivory with international guests. Everything is what it is. It is not about invented or symbolic either on the text, play or material level. They try to transport life into theater and theater/performance into life as directly as possible. About their project at Goldstein Gallery, they say:
“Fleeing is an action that is usually evaluated negatively and has an interesting tension with loneliness. Fleeing from something is an individual process that occurs alone, consciously or unconsciously. Independent of a community, one must process the experienced process oneself. But what if solitude is a refuge?
The artist Agnes Martin, who died in 2004, lived in seclusion in an adobe hut in the New Mexico desert. She not only used solitude as a strategy to enter into an artistic creative process, but also called for taking every opportunity to be alone.
We consider the refuge in solitude as a visual dimension and artistic tactic. What can emerge in total isolation?”

With Hauke Heumann, Knut Klaßen, Hanna Zeyer and artists* from Atelier Goldstein.


Workshop and Presentation
March 10-13
, 12-6 p.m. each day, workshop
March 16-19, 12-6 p.m. each day, presentation.
This workshop is about making personal posters. Motifs can be your own escape points, utopias, other worlds or realities, similar to a movie, concert or travel poster.
Atelier Goldstein offers insights into the scenarios and special visual worlds of some of the studio’s artists as inspiration for this.
Within the four-day workshop, layouts are designed using various analog or digital techniques. The posters made of it are presented for further four days in the gallery and can be taken away afterwards. Registrations to are requested.

Lecture and talk
Georg Seeßlen
Alcatraz and Syria – Aesthetics and Ideology of Images of Flight

March 29, 7:30 p.m.
Escape in movies is often so occupied that one necessarily sympathizes with the fugitives. This is especially true of escape films, from Monte Christo to Papillon to productions about GDR escape attempts. How fragile these constructions are can be easily seen by looking at the contradiction with the images of fugitives in the news, most recently especially on the Polish-Belarusian border.
Georg Seeßen is one of Germany’s most distinguished film critics, writing for FREITAG and epd Film, among others. As an author, he most recently published: The Second Wave: Corona & Culture: An Aesthetics of Crisis – A Crisis of Aesthetics.
Georg Seeßlen is digitally connected
Moderation on site: Jakob Hoffmann