NO1 Die Turmsache

Goldstein Galerie, Frankfurt am Main

Exhibition: June 20th – July 19th 2013
Opening: June 19th 2013, 19 h

Morning Performance – Jakob Hoffmann meets Selbermann: June 30th 2013, 11 h
Karaoke – Klub: July 12th 2013, 20 h

“The Tower Issue” is an installation of a part of the life work of Georg Vaternahm, alias “Selbermann”, that will be shown at Galerie Goldstein.Furthermore, his video work with the title “Henninger Turm”, produced as part of Atelier Goldstein’s guest artists’ programme, will be shown alongside. We will also host a Sunday matinee discussion between the artist and the curator Jakob Hoffmann as well as a karaoke evening on Selbermann’s own terms as a way of delving into his many-faceted work.

Born in 1963, Selbermann has worked on his ongoing artistic biography at Atelier Goldstein and in other places. All the cities and towns he has visited, all the people he has come across find their way into his work. Landscapes and animals and found objects of particular importance to him appear on his personal artistic map, which encompasses painting, sculpture and photography as well as bought, gifted or found souvenirs that he uses to find his bearings or as an inspiration or fetish important to his world. His visual work , the sound recordings of his free-associated narratives as well as his travel diaries serve as Vaternahm’s constant audio-visual memorial record.

Curated by Sven Fritz, Lutz Pillong and Melanie Schmitt