People often talk about finding the right balance between work and life. For artists, these two areas are only part of a far more open concept. Experience shows that in this the subject of work is situated in two crucial fields: that of gainful employment and that of artistic work. The quantitative relationship between these two fields depends on innumerable factors. Ideally they overlap and artistic work generates income.
According to a survey from 2018, this seems to be the case only for 10% of all artists, which means that a majority of creatives do odd jobs for a living, while others work in art education or as service providers in the art world.
In addition to daily living expenses, there are costs for a studio, rehearsal space and materials. This in turn places higher demands on gainful employment, the expected wage and the time spent doing it.
The situation is similar for artists with an attributed cognitive impairment, but in many cases there are complex systems behind the various fields such as work, leisure and participation in society. This also applies to artists at Atelier Goldstein.
Together with Nico Randl (artist), Camillo Grewe (artist), Aisha Franz (comic artist), Holger Priedemuth (filmmaker), Erlend Kvam (artist) and many more, artists and staff of Atelier Goldstein are exploring the topic “About Work”.
“About Work” is one of twelve topics with which Goldstein Galerie has been addressing the practices, issues, and aspects of artistic work since the summer of 2020.
Previous topics have included About Collecting, About Traveling, About Connecting, About Playing, About Writing, About Fleeing, and About Knowing.
Goldstein Galerie will take a summer break in August.
Open Studio A commissioned work mit Markus Schmitz
July 18 – 22, 2022
Atelier Goldstein artist Markus Schmitz only reluctantly parts with his works. For the several years, however, the format of the commissioned work has established itself with him: Increasingly, interested parties approach him with their own motif and ask for a cut-out. While the format is specified by the client, Schmitz remains free in the design of the work.
From July 18-22, Markus Schmitz will use the Goldstein Gallery as his studio to pursue precisely this work. Visitors are invited to look over his shoulder and engage in conversation with him.
Book presentation and talk Work Life Balance – News from the world of optimization with Aisha Franz
July 21, 2022, 7:30 pm
Work-life balance is one of the shimmering terms in which the promise of a satisfying work life coincides with the obfuscations of neo-capitalism. In the graphic novel of the same name, Berlin cartoonist Aisha Franz uses three young professionals to describe the “malaise that many young people are likely to experience between start-ups, cryptic job titles and pressure to optimize themselves” (Tagesspiegel).
For this stylistically striking story, Aisha Franz has just won the most important comic award in the German-speaking world, the Max-und-Moritz-Preis 2022.
Moderation: Jakob Hoffmann
Residency and Presentation Alles im Lot with Nico Randel
Residency, September 7-20 Presentation, September 21-October 1 Opening, September 20, 7 pm
Nico Randel is an artist at Kunsthaus KAT18, an art space with studios, a project room and a gallery with a coffee bar. Artistic and cultural processes take place there with the aim of improving the living conditions of the artists* in the studio community in society.
Together with Cologne-based artist Camillo Grewe, Nico Randel will use Goldstein Galerie as a studio in September to address the overarching theme of “About Work.” Randel’s work is characterized by personal stories and comments, which he translates into scripts, stage designs, storyboards, lettering and performances. His typefaces, in particular, seem like the artist’s verbatim moods. The black slogans and comments on a white background testify to Randel’s artistic directness and the humor with which he confronts the issues of our society, such as working.
Discussion »Wenn einer arbeiten gehen will, geht er arbeiten, wenn nicht, geht er weiter.«* (guests to be announced)
October 4, 7 pm
New artists flock to the market every year and only a few are able to make a living from art or cover the costs for studios and materials. If the art work does not result in a regular income in the form of sales, grants or fees, these people must, quite inevitably, pursue gainful employment. The income from this work then makes the artistic work possible at best. On the other hand, depending on the payment, gainful employment can be so time-consuming that it almost prevents the production of art. This difficult relationship, ideal conditions and the parallels to the working reality of artists* in Atelier Goldstein will be discussed on October 11.
The quote in the title is from the Atelier Goldstein artist Birgit Ziegert who died in 2017 and who had at least had a very clear stance on this.
Moderation: Atelier Goldstein
* Birgit Ziegert
Film und Talk Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit (An Attitude towards Work) with Holger Priedemuth
October 11, 2022, 7 pm
The project “Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit”, launched in 2011 by Antje Ehmann and Harun Farocki, continues to explore the topic of work today. People around the world produce 1-2 minute videos to document “paid or unpaid, material or immaterial, traditional as well as the entirely new”* work.
Filmmaker Holger Priedemuth will present the project on October 11 with selected videos, followed by a conversation.
Workshop with event Tauschwert (Exchange Value) with Helene Deutsch and Erlend Kvam
October 14 – 16 and 18, 2022
Among artists, the exchange of artworks is primarily considered an intellectual exchange.
The work as a carrier of ideas and special skills has an artistic value that can be negotiated and discussed in the exchange.
With this in mind, Goldstein Galerie is organizing two workshops followed by a swap meet.
In a zine workshop, booklets and zines will be created on site using a DIY process, which can then be exchanged, as is customary in the scene. This creates an independent, non-commercial cycle.
The workshop will be led by Norwegian artist Erlend Peder Kvam in collaboration with Cozi. Following the same principle, a workshop on casting techniques will be held, led by artist Helene Deutsch. Here the focus is on molding and casting small, arbitrary objects or free forms.
Casting workshop with Helene Deutsch Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15, 4 to 7 pm
Zine Workshop with Erlend Peder Kvam (supported by Cozi) Sonntag, 16. Oktober, 13–18 Uhr
Tauschbörse (Swap meet) Tuesday, October 18, 5-7 pm
Book Fair Program
Exhibition ARBEID Erlend Peder Kvam
October 19-23 Opening, Oct. 18, 7 pm
“Drawings of People with Signs” is the title of a collection of paintings by Erlend Peder Kvam, a young Norwegian artist. The title marks the tension between naive, two-dimensional impression and profound expression. Kvam draws, illustrates, and recently he has also been publishing narrow booklets, so-called zines. In exhibitions, he shows his pictures in striking frames, as in Goldstein Galerie.
Publishing evening Kanon Verlag October 20
Talk Tom Gauld October 23, 12 pm
In the matinee on October 23, Jakob Hoffmann will talk with Tom Gauld (England) about cartoons and librarians. (in english)
About Work
July 18 – October 23, 2022
People often talk about finding the right balance between work and life. For artists, these two areas are only part of a far more open concept. Experience shows that in this the subject of work is situated in two crucial fields: that of gainful employment and that of artistic work. The quantitative relationship between these two fields depends on innumerable factors. Ideally they overlap and artistic work generates income.
According to a survey from 2018, this seems to be the case only for 10% of all artists, which means that a majority of creatives do odd jobs for a living, while others work in art education or as service providers in the art world.
In addition to daily living expenses, there are costs for a studio, rehearsal space and materials. This in turn places higher demands on gainful employment, the expected wage and the time spent doing it.
The situation is similar for artists with an attributed cognitive impairment, but in many cases there are complex systems behind the various fields such as work, leisure and participation in society. This also applies to artists at Atelier Goldstein.
Together with Nico Randl (artist), Camillo Grewe (artist), Aisha Franz (comic artist), Holger Priedemuth (filmmaker), Erlend Kvam (artist) and many more, artists and staff of Atelier Goldstein are exploring the topic “About Work”.
“About Work” is one of twelve topics with which Goldstein Galerie has been addressing the practices, issues, and aspects of artistic work since the summer of 2020.
Previous topics have included About Collecting, About Traveling, About Connecting, About Playing, About Writing, About Fleeing, and About Knowing.
Goldstein Galerie will take a summer break in August.
Open Studio
A commissioned work
mit Markus Schmitz
July 18 – 22, 2022
Atelier Goldstein artist Markus Schmitz only reluctantly parts with his works. For the several years, however, the format of the commissioned work has established itself with him: Increasingly, interested parties approach him with their own motif and ask for a cut-out. While the format is specified by the client, Schmitz remains free in the design of the work.
From July 18-22, Markus Schmitz will use the Goldstein Gallery as his studio to pursue precisely this work. Visitors are invited to look over his shoulder and engage in conversation with him.
Book presentation and talk
Work Life Balance – News from the world of optimization
with Aisha Franz
July 21, 2022, 7:30 pm
Work-life balance is one of the shimmering terms in which the promise of a satisfying work life coincides with the obfuscations of neo-capitalism. In the graphic novel of the same name, Berlin cartoonist Aisha Franz uses three young professionals to describe the “malaise that many young people are likely to experience between start-ups, cryptic job titles and pressure to optimize themselves” (Tagesspiegel).
For this stylistically striking story, Aisha Franz has just won the most important comic award in the German-speaking world, the Max-und-Moritz-Preis 2022.
Moderation: Jakob Hoffmann
Residency and Presentation
Alles im Lot
with Nico Randel
Residency, September 7-20
Presentation, September 21-October 1
Opening, September 20, 7 pm
Nico Randel is an artist at Kunsthaus KAT18, an art space with studios, a project room and a gallery with a coffee bar. Artistic and cultural processes take place there with the aim of improving the living conditions of the artists* in the studio community in society.
Together with Cologne-based artist Camillo Grewe, Nico Randel will use Goldstein Galerie as a studio in September to address the overarching theme of “About Work.” Randel’s work is characterized by personal stories and comments, which he translates into scripts, stage designs, storyboards, lettering and performances. His typefaces, in particular, seem like the artist’s verbatim moods. The black slogans and comments on a white background testify to Randel’s artistic directness and the humor with which he confronts the issues of our society, such as working.
»Wenn einer arbeiten gehen will, geht er arbeiten, wenn nicht, geht er weiter.«*
(guests to be announced)
October 4, 7 pm
New artists flock to the market every year and only a few are able to make a living from art or cover the costs for studios and materials. If the art work does not result in a regular income in the form of sales, grants or fees, these people must, quite inevitably, pursue gainful employment. The income from this work then makes the artistic work possible at best. On the other hand, depending on the payment, gainful employment can be so time-consuming that it almost prevents the production of art. This difficult relationship, ideal conditions and the parallels to the working reality of artists* in Atelier Goldstein will be discussed on October 11.
The quote in the title is from the Atelier Goldstein artist Birgit Ziegert who died in 2017 and who had at least had a very clear stance on this.
Moderation: Atelier Goldstein
* Birgit Ziegert
Film und Talk
Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit (An Attitude towards Work)
with Holger Priedemuth
October 11, 2022, 7 pm
The project “Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit”, launched in 2011 by Antje Ehmann and Harun Farocki, continues to explore the topic of work today. People around the world produce 1-2 minute videos to document “paid or unpaid, material or immaterial, traditional as well as the entirely new”* work.
Filmmaker Holger Priedemuth will present the project on October 11 with selected videos, followed by a conversation.
*Concept (June 29, 2022), A take on work.
Workshop with event
Tauschwert (Exchange Value)
with Helene Deutsch and Erlend Kvam
Among artists, the exchange of artworks is primarily considered an intellectual exchange.
The work as a carrier of ideas and special skills has an artistic value that can be negotiated and discussed in the exchange.
With this in mind, Goldstein Galerie is organizing two workshops followed by a swap meet.
In a zine workshop, booklets and zines will be created on site using a DIY process, which can then be exchanged, as is customary in the scene. This creates an independent, non-commercial cycle.
The workshop will be led by Norwegian artist Erlend Peder Kvam in collaboration with Cozi.
Following the same principle, a workshop on casting techniques will be held, led by artist Helene Deutsch. Here the focus is on molding and casting small, arbitrary objects or free forms.
Casting workshop with Helene Deutsch
Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15, 4 to 7 pm
Zine Workshop with Erlend Peder Kvam (supported by Cozi)
Sonntag, 16. Oktober, 13–18 Uhr
Tauschbörse (Swap meet)
Tuesday, October 18, 5-7 pm
Book Fair Program
Erlend Peder Kvam
October 19-23
Opening, Oct. 18, 7 pm
“Drawings of People with Signs” is the title of a collection of paintings by Erlend Peder Kvam, a young Norwegian artist. The title marks the tension between naive, two-dimensional impression and profound expression. Kvam draws, illustrates, and recently he has also been publishing narrow booklets, so-called zines. In exhibitions, he shows his pictures in striking frames, as in Goldstein Galerie.
Publishing evening
Kanon Verlag
October 20
Tom Gauld
October 23, 12 pm
In the matinee on October 23, Jakob Hoffmann will talk with Tom Gauld (England) about cartoons and librarians. (in english)