NO2 Hollywood

Christa Sauer
Goldstein Galerie, Frankfurt am Main

Exhibition: August 15th – September 13th 2013
Opening: August 14th 2013 at 7pm

Goldstein Galerie will present the studio paintings of Christa Sauer under the title “Hollywood”. The exhibit will show an arrangement of Sauer’s abstract canvasses transforming the space in Schweizerstraße 84 into a stage, focussing on the joy of painting.

There will be two events during the course of the exhibition.

Musical Soiree
August 28th, 2013 at 7pm

“Mutterkopf” is a piece by Jarrod Cagwin played by the percussion trio “Radian”, comprised of members of the “Ensemble Modern”. It is inspired by the landscape surrounding the “Mutterkopf”, a peak in the alps in Tyrol in Austria.

Sunday Matinee
“Little Downie Christa gets to paint big pictures”
September 8th, 2013 at 11 am

The title of our Sunday matinee is “Little Downie Christa gets to paint big pictures”. The former director of Kunsthalle Mainz, Natalie de Ligt, Dr.Thomas Röske, director of the Prinzhorn collection and Christiane Cuticchio, director of Atelier Goldstein discuss the reception of works by disabled artists.